Sony Announces RX10 IV Firmware Update with Real-Time Animal Eye AF
Sony has revealed their latest firmware update and this time it’s for the RX10 IV camera with the highlight being the addition of Sony’s superb Real-Time Eye AF for animals function.

The new V2.0 firmware update also improves the in-camera stabilisation, which is great news for all shooters and, in particular, those using the RX10 IV to shoot video.
The V2.0 update now means that Sony’s impressive, AI-driven, Real-Time Eye AF tech, can identify both animals and human eyes. To activate this function, you simply need to half-press the shutter, which will set the automatic function into action, producing flawlessly focussed photos and video.

Additionally, the new update enhances the overall stability of the camera making it more user-friendly overall.

This new V2.0 firmware upgrade is downloadable at no cost from the Sony Support site and is available NOW.