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DJI Take Over Hasselblad

- 8 years ago

With the CES event in Las Vegas buzzing with product announcements, there has been other news buzzing around the convention centre about corporate takeovers and company dealings that has caught us quite by surprise.

Biggest news in this realm has to be that of Hasselblad‘s apparent takeover by the Chinese drone manufacturer, DJI.

It’s already been a significant period in Hasselblad’s long history, with CEO Perry Oosting steering the ship from troubled times, to what has been looking like a much brighter future with the H6 camera and the development of the company’s brand new  X1D mirrorless medium format system. After acquiring a minority of Hasselblad shares in November 2015, the Chinese drone giant appears to have taken on the majority stake in a recent turn of events.

The MotoMods True Zoom camera ‘add on’ device

Beyond this, the company had also launched an interesting product under license with Motorola and their MotoMods offshoot, with the TrueZoom camera.

Hasselblad’s recent announcement, the X1D

Right now, there’s little more to report, but knocking on the door of DJI’s public relations team, we received the following [perhaps, slightly inevitable] message:

“We have no further news about DJI’s partnership with Hasselblad. We will continue to work together to push forward world-class imaging to creators around the world.”

Watch this space as news emerges

About the author

Read DJI Take Over Hasselblad

Simon Skinner

Co-founder // Editor

Having spent many years working in various pockets of the music industry, and always with a camera in hand, Simon has worked with organisations such as Warner/Chappell, Food Records and ultimately, co-founding the innovative independent record label, Izumi Records before moving fully into the world of publishing in 2007. Amongst numerous other projects in the last decade, he has been responsible for a number of specialist photo trade magazines and journals for the filmmaking and photography communities, along with a coffee table book entitled, "Great Britons of Photography' which he produced with Peter Dench and Leica. Now heading up PhotoBite, Simon and the team have set themselves a task of delivering informative and inspirational content for photographers of all levels, from the beginner, shooting with smartphones, to the seasoned photographer and filmmaker.