Manfrotto Get Serious with VR: New Virtual Reality Range Announced
PhotoBite takes a peek at the new VR range from Manfrotto
We are living in exciting times. There’s been a positive explosion of possibilities in the world of image making in just the last handful of years. Technology has been moving at an alarming rate, giving us smartphones that will shoot and edit high res [even some at 4K] video, mirrorless camera technology that makes our camera systems ever smaller and lighter. More capable of operating in a greater number of circumstances, and with greater ease and maintaining excellent image quality.
Another area that’s experiencing exponential growth is that of virtual reality; VR, or 360-degree imaging. Whatever you want to call it, there seems to be a race to bring the technology to the mass market in many guises, and, unlike the virtual reality world that we were all promised a few decades back, and then again a couple of decades later, it really feels like, now, we are in a time where the technology can actually live up to the promise?
This subject, of course, is an absolute can of worms, but the announcement of Manfrotto’s range of dedicated VR/360 equipment, only adds to the likelihood of the technology being less of a flash in the pan this time around.

Manfrotto VR Small Levelling Base
Manfrotto’s new 360o Virtual Reality range, which includes bases, accessories and extension booms,makes them the first manufacturer to produce dedicated kit that’s designed for both professionals and enthusiasts to shape the future of photography and videography.
Manfrotto’s VR Bases: Provide stable support and are compact enough not to show in 360° shots. They guarantee the stability photographers and videographers need to get a few meters off the ground and are available in a variety of sizes and materials to suit individual requirements.

Manfrotto VR Carbon Fibre Base with Boom
Manfrotto’s VR accessories: These accessories are compatible with all products in the range and promise the best results every time.

Manfrotto VR Small Levelling Base
Manfrotto’s VR boom Extensions: Maximize camera height when required. They can be connected to all the bases in the Manfrotto VR range, enabling users to achieve a wide variety of heights.

Manfrotto VR Adjustable Dolly
Within the Manfrotto 360° VR range, you’ll find aselection of kits, designed to make 360°content creation simpler. They are compatible with all of the most popular 360° cameras in the market.
The Manfrotto 360° VR range starts from RRP £29.95 to £634.95
For more information, please visit Manfrotto’s website