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Benro TablePod Flex & Benro KoalaPod: Your New Flexible [& Rigid] Friends

- 3 years ago

Our latest piece in PhotoBite’s #TheMeasure shines a light on a couple of new products from Benro, the Benro TablePod Flex & KoalaPod. Small, and extremely flexible, [in more ways than one] they arrive as a true innovation in what is a very crowded stabilisation market.

These are products that seem to be taking the idea of the ‘original’ flexible tripod, the Gorilla Pod, and turning the concept on its head. Gorilla Pods and other flexible tripods are great for when you’re roughing it and need a really quick way to mount your camera or phone by wrapping the nearest pole/tree etc, but they can fall a little short when it comes to flat surface work, like with a tabletop.

The new Benro Tablepod Flex Kit portrait or landscape formats
The new Benro Tablepod Flex Kit can quickly switch from portrait to landscape formats.

This new concept from Benro delivers the best of both worlds in a truly ingenious design and form factor that we believe will be incredibly popular with mobile shooters, vloggers and small camera shooters everywhere. Check out our original news piece, which digs into a great deal of detail, along with our review here

Also, check out Benro’s native website here: And for more specific information on where you can pick up some Benro Pods for yourself, head Here and Here


PhotoBite Benro TablePod Flex & KoalaPod review -
Benro TablePod Flex & KoalaPod :- Great additions to the flexible stabilisation market with the Koalapod being ideal for entry-level shooters and the TablePod Flex offering a unique and higher quality solution for those who need a more versatile, yet high-quality solution.


  • Innovative combination of rigid and flexibility ina small tripod
  • Koalapod has a really accessible pricepoint
  • High-quality materials
  • Great build quality
  • Fantastic eco-system of affordable add-ons that really open up shooting potential


  • The TablePod Flex may be a little pricey for some

About the author

Read Benro TablePod Flex & Benro KoalaPod: Your New Flexible [& Rigid] Friends

Robert Ruardy