PhotoBite Kids Challenge #9 – Light

PhotoBite Kids Challenge #9 – Light
Light! It’s your friend as a photographer and really, a vital element of photography is controlling, manipulating and making the most of available light to set your pictures apart.
This photo challenge, the ninth in our first series of challenges is all about light, and that can mean a number of things.
You might hunt for pools of light where you live; you might make your own light using torches or lamps, or you might shoot in the near dark to show glimmers of light. Think about shadows as well as your light source as it’s these contrasts that can make your pictures really sing!
Watch our introduction video in which our resident photography expert, Professor Gardner, will give you some ideas, tips and tricks on how to approach the challenge.
As ever, whatever your subject, think about your angles and backgrounds. Most importantly of all, have fun, think carefully about your pictures before you hit the button, and experiment! As with all of our challenges, you can use any device you’d like for this challenge. Ideally a camera, but if you don’t have a camera yet, then use a smartphone or tablet instead.
Send us your pictures using the hashtag #PhotoBiteKids, share with your friends and make sure you ask your older brothers or sisters, your parents or friends to send for you if need be. Also, send us your ideas for future photo challenges and we’ll give shoutouts for any that we include! Good luck and get shooting!