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McCullin in Kolkata: A Film by Clive Booth

- 5 years ago

As Tate Britain celebrates the life and works of one of the UK’s most revered photographers, Sir Don McCullin in the current exhibition; we revisit this excellent film, produced by Clive Booth.

With a strong insight into Don’s working practice, his thoughts and impressions on digital photography and, in particular, the latest Canon camera kit, this film follows Sir Don for what he describes as a trip that may well be his last to Kolkata.

Watch Clive’s film below:

About the author

Read McCullin in Kolkata: A Film by Clive Booth

Josh Lewis

Josh has been working as a filmmaker for a number of years, now, managing to convert his passion into a profession in 2015. Used to working as a solo shooter, Josh has become accustomed to working with ‘run & gun’ set ups and has become an expert in filmmaking equipment through his experience of working on hundreds of projects in varying capacities. This experience, coupled with Josh’s curious mind and ability to deliver casual-yet-knowledgeable opinion, makes him the perfect for his role within PhotoBite.