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The Intrepid 4×5 MK4 and 8×10 MK2 Launch with a promise to Reinvent Large Format Film Photography

- 6 years ago

Fellow Brightonians, The Intrepid Camera Co. has released newly upgraded versions of both models of their large format film cameras. The 4×5 now enters its fourth generation, and the 8×10 its second. Both cameras land as more refined versions of their earlier incarnations, with features only usually found in products at the higher end of the market.

Intrepid Camera
The new 4×5 camera fromThe Intrepid Camera Co.

Champions of the analogue photography revival, The Intrepid Camera Co. is the largest modern manufacturers of large format film cameras across the globe. Bridging the gap that once placed large format as unobtainable to the average film photographer and offering high-quality 4×5 and 8×10 cameras at just a fraction of the cost and weight of their traditional counterparts.

“If I hadn’t had the introduction into lightweight backpacking that the Intrepid provided for me, I don’t think I would enjoy or be as productive while wandering the wild as I am today. The joy of large format film is that all you need is a simple light-tight box to make an image, and it turns out they don’t have to weigh as much or be as massive as we all thought.” – Alex Burke, landscape photographer

Intrepid Camera
The new 4×5 camera fromThe Intrepid Camera Co.

At first sight, the new cameras include a new slim black aluminium base, giving a stable foundation to the unit. Screwed into the base, the focus plate runs on linear metal guides, ensuring sharp focus, even with maximum bellows extension, or heavy lenses.
The focus control, which is now a single self-locking wheel, is mounted at the back, directly below the ground glass, making it simpler to access as well as faster to use.

The bellows are made from lightproof-lined vinyl and are heavier and more durable than previously, but still handmade in-house. Holding the ground glass in place are high tension leaf spring clips, which are a first ever for the 8×10 and now also has 3D printed clips for rapid switching from landscape to portrait formats.

Intrepid Camera
The new 8×10 camera from The Intrepid Camera Co.

The majority of the camera’s construction [and all assembly] is still carried out in-house at Intrepid’s Brighton warehouse on England’s South coast using locally sourced parts, where possible.
The birch plywood is sustainably sourced and the 3D printer filament is PLA made from renewable resources like corn starch or sugar cane.

“What really makes the Intrepid Camera Co. and their large format cameras even more special is that they keep an open ear to suggestions from their users. They take comments about their cameras seriously and that shows in the quality of their products. Kudos to Intrepid for keeping the analogue spirit alive and catering to the needs of the large format photography community.” – Lomography

Intrepid Camera
The new 8×10 camera from The Intrepid Camera Co.

Versatility is principal with every aspect of design within the new Intrepid cameras. The front standards feature independent controls for rise/fall, tilt and swing movements, whilst the baseplate features universal tripod mounts [1/4” and 3/8”] and users can fold both cameras flat in either landscape or portrait, which Intrepid tell us has been one of many updates requested by users.

Working closely with the film community as a whole has always been at the heart of Intrepid’s ethos and the refinements of the 4×5 MK4 and 8×10 MK2 are evident of the company’s willingness to adapt and grow without losing sight of their audience. Large format allows for you to truly take control of your photography. This is where the Intrepid cameras really thrive.

In addition to standard 4×5 or 8×10 sheet film, users can also use the cameras to shoot instant/Polaroid film, wet plate/collodion, and other experimental processes. The Graflok back of the 4×5 also allows for the use of 120 and panoramic film backs.

Both of the new cameras from The Intrepid Camera Co. come with a high-quality ground glass screen with a 1/2” grid, and tripod mount threads 1/4” and 3/8”.

Intrepid Camera
The new 8×10 camera [folded flat] from The Intrepid Camera Co.

Both cameras are available to order now with red, blue, black and green bellows. See more at the company’s website. The 4×5 is £280 and the 8×10 is £480

Watch this short intro video of the 8×10 camera from The Intrepid Camera Co.

About the author

Read The Intrepid 4×5 MK4 and 8×10 MK2 Launch with a promise to Reinvent Large Format Film Photography

Simon Skinner

Co-founder // Editor

Having spent many years working in various pockets of the music industry, and always with a camera in hand, Simon has worked with organisations such as Warner/Chappell, Food Records and ultimately, co-founding the innovative independent record label, Izumi Records before moving fully into the world of publishing in 2007. Amongst numerous other projects in the last decade, he has been responsible for a number of specialist photo trade magazines and journals for the filmmaking and photography communities, along with a coffee table book entitled, "Great Britons of Photography' which he produced with Peter Dench and Leica. Now heading up PhotoBite, Simon and the team have set themselves a task of delivering informative and inspirational content for photographers of all levels, from the beginner, shooting with smartphones, to the seasoned photographer and filmmaker.