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Pink lady Food Photographer of the Year 2022 Competition Opens for Entries

- 4 years ago

The world’s foremost celebration of the art of food photography and film, the Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year, has announced that it is now open for entries for the 2022 competition.

Overall Winner - Li Huaifeng - Taste.

With 2021 seeing a record-breaking number of entries, [10,000+] and activity for the competition, submissions came in from over 70 countries and the popular program is likely to grow further with this year’s event.

David Loftus, Chair of Judges, said: “During my years as a judge, then as Chairman of the Judges, I’ve watched the Awards grow into one of the most important and much-loved photographic competitions in the world. Every year, more amateurs and professionals, young and old, compete against each other anonymously, making it truly universal and democratic, anyone with a talent can win.”

Joseph P Smith
Joseph P Smith, 2021 winner of the Winterbotham Darby Food for Sale category

The awards program includes more than 25 categories and recognises the variety of ways that food touches our lives. David continued: “What is really wonderful is the ever-increasing breadth of imagery, from still life to landscape, interior to portraiture, the macro to the immense, intimate street photography to epic drone images, the scope becomes greater year by year. Judging is always a humbling and enlightening experience and I so look forward to the coming year.’ 

The 2022 program sees an expansion of the Awards with the introduction of Regional Awards as an additional celebration of winners from around the world. And in another development, the 2022 winner of The Claire Aho Award for Women Photographer, launched last year in memory of Finland’s greatest woman photographer, will receive an exclusive trip to Finland courtesy of Visit Finland!

Pink Lady Food Photographer Awards

Donna Crous, a 2020 Finalist said: “Entering this competition a few years ago totally changed my life and has forged a very successful career for me in food photography. This is THE gold standard for food photographers.”

Another finalist from 2021, Robin Goodlad, added: “The Pink Lady® Food Photographer of the Year competition is by far the pinnacle of the food photography year; it absolutely sets the standard of what is the best and innovative work in food photography around the world. It is a really important way for me to push myself to see if I can create the best images possible. After all the ways it has benefitted me as a photographer, I can’t imagine not entering! If you have an interest in food photography, then being part of the competition is an absolute must.’

This year’s global judging panel, chaired by legendary food photographer, David Loftus, includes Fiona Shields, Head of Photography, Guardian News & Media, NA Risong, Art director and curator of Inter Art Center Gallery, Beijing, Nik Sharma, Cookbook author, Photographer, Columnist, Phillip Prodger, Executive Director, Curatorial Exhibitions, LA and former Head of Photographs, National Portrait Gallery, London and Rein Skullerud, Head of Photo Unit, World Food Programme.

Get involved! Enter the 2022 competition by tapping here  

About the author

Read Pink lady Food Photographer of the Year 2022 Competition Opens for Entries

Simon Skinner

Co-founder // Editor

Having spent many years working in various pockets of the music industry, and always with a camera in hand, Simon has worked with organisations such as Warner/Chappell, Food Records and ultimately, co-founding the innovative independent record label, Izumi Records before moving fully into the world of publishing in 2007. Amongst numerous other projects in the last decade, he has been responsible for a number of specialist photo trade magazines and journals for the filmmaking and photography communities, along with a coffee table book entitled, "Great Britons of Photography' which he produced with Peter Dench and Leica. Now heading up PhotoBite, Simon and the team have set themselves a task of delivering informative and inspirational content for photographers of all levels, from the beginner, shooting with smartphones, to the seasoned photographer and filmmaker.