Peter Dench Launches new Photobook and London Exhibition: Trans-Siberian World Cup
Peter Dench, one of Britain’s most celebrated photojournalists, Olympus Visionary, PhotoBite contributor, and all-round good egg, has announced the launch of his latest photobook and exhibition.

Peter’s latest project, named Trans-Siberian World Cup, documents his travels across Russia for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, which saw him cover many of the nation’s 11 time zones and traversing two continents. Adopting the services of the Trans-Siberian Railway, Peter’s journey covered a staggering 5,772 miles across seven time zones in seven days in what must now hold the title of the ultimate away day.

The 2018 FIFA World Cup saw 32 nations; 62 football matches and millions of fans flock to one of the world’s most efficacious countries to exercise their passion for football and to support their own national teams. Peter, packed his Olympus kit bag with the task of capturing the essence of the tournament.
The results have now been published in the form of a hardback, coffee table book and will run as a full exhibition from the 31st January – 20 December 2019 at the After Nyne Gallery in London
Trans-Siberian World Cup will be on display at After
After Nyne Gallery details:
After Nyne Gallery is situated at 10 Portland Road, London, W11 4LA.
Gallery opening times 10.00 – 18.00 Tuesday – Saturday.