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2019 Zeiss Photography Award: Call for Entries

- 6 years ago

The World Photography Organisation and ZEISS are inviting photographers from across the globe to get involved and enter the 2019 ZEISS Photography Award. What are you waiting for? Details below.

The winner of the 2019 competition will get their hands on a tasty €12K in ZEISS lenses, along with €3K to put into the pot against any travel costs for an upcoming photography project, and, as if this isn’t enough, the winner will also have the opportunity to work with ZEISS and the World Photography Organisation.

The 2019 Sony World Photography Awards ceremony, including the Zeiss 2019 programme will be held on the 17 April in London. All winning photographs, along with a selection of shortlisted images will be exhibited at Somerset House between the 18th of April and the 6th of May 2019. As an added extra for the winner, ZEISS is to invite the overall winner to their headquarters in Germany, where they will get a look behind the scenes of ZEISS; operation.

2019 Zeiss Photography Competition
Stephanie Gengotti, Circus love, Les Pêcheurs de Rêves, from the 2018 programme. August 2017, Avignon. Florence and Vincent are performing in their show ‘Nez pour s’aimer’. They are playing one month at the Avignon festival with their family Circus ‘Les Pêcheurs de Rêves’. They have married under the clownesque regime, a name they invented to demonstrate their faith in the characters they interpret, Za and Krapotte.

2019 ZEISS Photography Competition brief: Seeing Beyond – The Unexpected

This year’s brief “The Unexpected” calls photographers to present a series of between 5-10 photographs that look beyond the everyday and address something unexpected or extraordinary. This can manifest in any manner of ways; through the landscape and/or physical environment, human expression, emotion and interaction, political or social causes or even something more conceptual. The ‘unexpected’ element could be of global or very personal concern and may either showcase the familiar in a new way or shed light on something entirely different.

2019 Zeiss Photography Competition
Nick Hannes, Floating Villa, Dubai 2017, from the 2018 programme. A butler is welcoming visitors to a prototype of The Floating Seahorse, an underwater holiday villa, situated at the Heart of Europe, a man-made archipelago 2.5 miles off Dubai. The villa features underwater bedrooms and bathrooms with floor-to-ceiling windows that allow for views of marine life. Each villa comes with a personal butler. By the time the ambitious project is complete there will be more than 125 floating villas, which cost as much as 2,5 million Euro each. Renting the villa will cost 5,000 Euro a day.

All styles of photography will be welcomed by judges and all submissions must be accompanied by a supporting statement outlining the story behind the photographer’s work.

The ZEISS Photography Award is now in its fourth year, and widely recognised as an international photography competition that challenges photographers to submit bodies of work addressing a selected theme. All work submitted will be judged by experts in the photography industry including Simon Frederick [artist, photographer, director and broadcaster, UK], Shoair Mavlian [Director, Photoworks, UK] and Dagmar Seeland [Picture Editor, STERN Magazine, Germany]

The ZEISS Photography Award is completely free to enter and the deadline for entries is February 8, 2019 at 13.00 GMT. Tap through to the dedicated webpage to find out more and to submit your entry.

About the author

Read 2019 Zeiss Photography Award: Call for Entries

Simon Skinner

Co-founder // Editor

Having spent many years working in various pockets of the music industry, and always with a camera in hand, Simon has worked with organisations such as Warner/Chappell, Food Records and ultimately, co-founding the innovative independent record label, Izumi Records before moving fully into the world of publishing in 2007. Amongst numerous other projects in the last decade, he has been responsible for a number of specialist photo trade magazines and journals for the filmmaking and photography communities, along with a coffee table book entitled, "Great Britons of Photography' which he produced with Peter Dench and Leica. Now heading up PhotoBite, Simon and the team have set themselves a task of delivering informative and inspirational content for photographers of all levels, from the beginner, shooting with smartphones, to the seasoned photographer and filmmaker.