Photobook: Going South – Big Sur, Kirk Crippens
Going South Big Sur is a new collection of images from Kirk Crippens, beautifully produced by Schilt Publishing, presenting a spectacular section of California’s coastline north of Los Angeles.

Famous for its scenic drive along the ocean with its rugged and beautiful mountains meeting the sea, it has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States and the world. In the winter of 2017, when heavy rains followed a long period of drought, the highway bridge to the north of Big Sur slid down the wet hillside, rendering the road impassable from the north.

At that time, photographer Kirk Crippens went on a trip to the area to shoot its landscape and its residents. In this new book, Crippens’ images highlight the region’s incredible landscapes along with more still times shot inside Big Sur residents’ homes. The mountainous coastline at the time was isolated and unusually quiet; its four million annual tourists were, quite simply cut off from the area, and Crippens spent two full years shooting this period of transition, as work was done to rebuild Highway 1.

“Big Sur has a climate all its own and a character all its own. It is a region where extremes meet, a region where one is always conscious of weather, of space, of grandeur, and of eloquent silence.” Henry Miller.
Publisher: Schilt Publishing
ISBN 978 90 5330 917 9
Design: Victor Levie, LevievanderMeer
Format: 30 x 31.5 cm
80 pages with 44 images in full colour