3 Legged Thing Nicky & Tommy Review
There is a broad spectrum of tripods available in this day and age. No doubt. From tiny little tripods for smartphones, all the way through to heavy-duty options that support +30kg camera rigs for filmmakers and those who like LOTS of accessories. 3 Legged Thing, the Great British brand, who has gone some way in re-inventing the wheel in terms of traditional tripod stabilisation, has introduced the ‘Nicky’ and ‘Tommy’ tripods into their range. Two heavyweight tripods that have been honed for the serious user. Designed for bigger camera setups, these new not to be taken lightly. Watch our video below, the latest in our review series, #TheMeasure, to find out much more.

If you come from the world of videography and you have a fairly large/heavy camera set-up, the Nicky or Tommy tripod could be just the ticket to shaving some weight off that rig with Nicky coming in at 2.4kg and just 2.59kg from the Tommy. Not much in it, weight-wise and even the height yields a similar result. Fully extended, Nicky is 1.56m tall and Tommy is 1.62m. This begs the question – why are there two?
Nicky has been designed for those who travel a great deal and need a tripod that can break down to fit into overhead luggage. On the other hand, Tommy is for those who need a set of sturdy legs but aren’t so fussed about the travel features of its sibling.
Nicky has 4 leg sections, whereas Tommy has 3, so there are fewer leg sections to contend with when setting up or making height adjustments. These are the main differences and even the price may not influence your decision. Nicky comes in at £699.99 and Tommy is just a little more at £729.99. With this in mind, it seems the choice is really down to those differences and if you’re likely to be travelling the world for your work. Watch the video below for more.
Now currently there are no heads that will be paired up with the two Tripods and 3 Legged Thing see users, using their own head of choice. They even went as far as making a 75mm bowl plate so you can use bowl tripod heads rather than the traditional videos you typically see.
As always 3 Legged Thing has really gone to town and are offering a very solid set of tripods for the picking. We were incredibly impressed with the versatility of such simple looking tripods. We can even see some photographers picking this camera u for their bigger rigs, we’re looking at you, you large format photographers. We know you’re out there!
Check out our video below where we talk through the Nicky and Tommy and if you’re looking to pick one up then click this link to order today.