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The PhotoBite Guide To: Taking Care of your Camera

- 6 years ago

Taking care of your camera. Seems like an obvious thing to do on the face of it. You’ve bought your camera and you’re in love with it. The thing is, we can all become complacent and no matter how strong the love, our care and attention can diminish over time.

Boring stuff like looking after your camera, albeit obviously important, can seem to be a bit of a chore with all the things that have to be done in order to keep it clean and dust free. Coming to the rescue though is a handy list of top tips that we’ve compiled with advice on how to care and maintain your camera.

Some, as ever, will be more obvious than you might have thought, and others, you may not have even thought of. As always if we missed anything then do let us know down in the comments and be sure to follow our YouTube channel to make sure you get to see our latest reviews and top tips videos as they are published.

About the author

Read The PhotoBite Guide To: Taking Care of your Camera

Mike Bishop

Digital Media @ PhotoBite

In his everyday life, Mike is a web designer and developer who owns and runs Miniman Web Design. Besides looking after all of PhotoBite's digital needs he also finds the time to bum around on Slack and mismanage one of the largest web development forums on the internet!